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Portfolio optimization

Consider a portfolio problem with $ n$ investments held over a period of time. Let $ x_j$ denote the amount of investment $ j$ throughout the period with a unit total budget, i.e.,

$\displaystyle \sum_{j=1}^n x_j=1,$

and let $ p_j$ denote the price change of investment $ j$ over the period. Then, the overall expected return is given by $ r=p^Tx.$ Furthermore, let $ \sigma_{jj'}$ denote the covariance between the returns for investment $ j$ and $ j'.$ The variance of the return is

$\displaystyle \sigma =\sum_{jj'}x_j\sigma_{jj'}x_{j'},$

referred to the risk. Here we consider that the $ \sigma_{jj'}$ are fixed and computed from historical data. A similar application can also be found in [15].

One approach is to minimize the risk over the return with a lower bound $ r_{min}$,

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} \mbox{min}&\sum_{jj'}x_j\sigma_{jj'}x_{j'}...
...\geq r_{min},&\\  &\sum_j x_j=1,& x_j\geq 0, j=1:n. \end{array}\end{displaymath} (3-7)

Another approach is to maximize the return over the risk with an upper bound $ \sigma_{max},$

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{rcl} \mbox{max}&\sum_j p_jx_j&\\  \mbox{s.t.}&\...
...\sigma_{max},&\\  &\sum_j x_j=1,& x_j\geq 0, j=1:n. \end{array}\end{displaymath} (3-8)

The above models are based on historical data.

Example 4. Two test cases from (3-7) and (3-8) are cast as in formula (1-1) with the real data from optrisk.mod in [16]. Another case which combines (3-7) and (3-8),

\mbox{s.t.}&\sum_j x_j=1,& x_j\geq 0, j=1:n,

is also considered.
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Hans D. Mittelmann 2003-09-10