The adjoint equation agrees with (4.4) except that we obtain a
Neumann boundary condition
This example will also be used to illustrate the numerical process in more detail. The platform is a 450 MHz Pentium-II PC with Linux-2.2.12. Table 4 summarizes the data: size of grid, number of iterations of LOQO, times in seconds for the AMPL compilation and the solution by LOQO, the accuracy as the number of correct significant digits in the discrete objective function value only. The primal-dual approach yields upper and lower bounds for this value and thus permits such a statement. In all the examples solved this accuracy measure was at least 8 showing that LOQO had converged satisfactorily. However, from the accuracy of the objective function value no similar accuracy of the computed solution components may in general be inferred. In fact, for the discretizations used they may be expected to have at most a few correct digits. Finally, we list the objective function value and the value in the center of the domain of both the state and the control variable. These values show that only a moderate accuracy may be expected.
We compare LOQO and other solvers with AMPL interface available to
us in Table 5; links to all codes in [24]. Given
are CPU times in seconds on the same platform used above, but scaled by LOQO's
time. MINOS and SNOPT report the largest problem as infeasible
while LANCELOT needs excessive compute time. Both SNOPT and MINOS are designed
for problems with a moderate number of degrees of freedom, about
and thus should not be expected to be able to handle the larger instances.
See, however, the results for Example 5 which has a very small number
of degrees of freedom, understood here as the difference between the
number of variables and the number of active constraints.
All solvers were given the same AMPL file and AMPL initializes variables
with zero if no explicit initialization is made.
In summary one can say that for
the computing times for LOQO are
acceptable and that the computed solutions, both function values and
variables, appear to be in error by a few units in the third significant