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Up: Discretization and optimization techniques
Previous: Discretization and optimization techniques
The discussion of discretization schemes is restricted to the standard
situation where
the domain is the unit square
The purpose of this section is to develop discretization techniques by
which the distributed control
problem (2.1)-(2.6)
is transformed into a nonlinear programming problem (NLP-problem)
of the form
(3.1) |
The functions
are sufficiently smooth and are of
appropriate dimension.
The upper subscript
denotes the dependence on the stepsize.
The optimization variable
will comprise both the
discretized state and control variables.
The form (3.1) will be achieved by solving
the elliptic equation (2.2)
with the standard five-point-star discretization scheme.
Choose a number
and the stepsize
Consider the mesh points
and define the following sets of indices
residing either in the domain
or on
the boundary
, resp. on the subsets
of the boundary:
(3.2) |
Obviously, we have
define further
Now we shall present discretization schemes for the
distributed control problem that are similar to those for boundary controls
considered in Part 1 [23].
The optimization variable
in (3.1) is taken as the vector
The remaining state variables
are determined by the Dirichlet condition (2.4) as
(3.3) |
The derivative
in the direction of
the outward normal is approximated by the expression
(3.4) |
Then the discrete form of the Neumann boundary condition (2.3)
leads to the equality constraints
(3.5) |
The application of the five-point-star to the
elliptic equation
in (2.2) yields the following equality constraints for all
(3.6) |
Note that the Dirichlet condition (3.3) is used in this equation to
substitute the variables
The control and state inequality constraints (2.5) and
(2.6) yield the inequality constraints
(3.7) |
(3.8) |
Observe that these inequality constraints do not depend on the
The discretized form of the cost function (2.1) is
(3.9) |
In summary, the relations (3.5)-(3.9) define
a NLP-problem of the form (3.1).
The corresponding Lagrangian function is
where the Lagrange multipliers
are associated with
the equality constraints (3.5) and (3.6),
resp. the inequality constraints (3.7) and (3.8).
In addition, the multipliers
the complementarity conditions corresponding to (2.14):
In the next step we discuss the necessary conditions of optimality:
For state variables
with indices
we obtain the relations
In these equations, the up to now undefined multipliers are set to
(3.12) |
which is in accordance with the Dirichlet condition (2.12).
We deduce from equations (3.11) that the Lagrange multipliers
satisfy the five-point-star difference equations
for the adjoint equation
in (2.10)
if we use the following approximations for the multiplier function
the regular Borel measure
(3.13) |
where in the second relation
denotes a square centered at
with area
Recall the decomposition (2.15) of the measure
If the singular part of the measure vanishes,
then (3.13) yields the following
approximation for the density
(3.14) |
In case that the measure
is a delta distribution,
we obtain from (3.13) the approximation
(3.15) |
For indices
on the boundary
e.g., for
, we obtain
These relations represent the discrete version of the Neumann boundary condition (2.11) if we approximate the regular
Borel measure
on the boundary by
(3.16) |
denotes a line segment of length
centered at
If the singular part in the decomposition (2.15) vanishes resp.
if the measure
is a delta distribution,
we obtain the following approximations
(3.17) |
Finally, necessary conditions with respect to the control variables
are determined by
From this equation we recover the discrete version of the control law
(2.13), if we use the same identification
as in (3.13).
Next: Optimization codes and modeling
Up: Discretization and optimization techniques
Previous: Discretization and optimization techniques
Hans D. Mittelmann