Next: Discretization of the boundary
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Previous: Distributed Control Problem
Discretization and optimization techniques
The discussion of discretization schemes is restricted to the standard
situation where
the domain is the unit square
The purpose of this section is to develop discretization techniques by
which the boundary control
problem (1)-(6) and the
distributed control problem (25)-(30)
are transformed into a nonlinear programming problem (NLP-problem) of the form
(1) |
The functions
are sufficiently smooth and are of
appropriate dimension.
The upper subscript
denotes the dependence on the stepsize.
The optimization variable
will comprise both the
discretized state and control variables.
The form (1) will be achieved by solving
the elliptic equation (2) resp. (26)
with the standard five-point-star discretization scheme.
Choose a number
and the stepsize
Consider the mesh points
and define the following sets of indices
residing either in the domain
or on the four edges of
the boundary
(2) |
Obviously, we have
define further
We shall first discuss discretization schemes for the boundary control
problem and will then only indicate the necessary
modifications to obtain schemes for the distributed control problem.
Next: Discretization of the boundary
Up: paper87
Previous: Distributed Control Problem
Hans D. Mittelmann