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Previous: Discretization and optimization techniques
denote approximations of the state variables
and let
be approximations for
the control variables
We specify the functions
for the optimization
problem (1) corresponding to problem
(1)-(6) as follows.
The optimization variable
in (1) is taken as the vector
Note that we do not consider the variables
explicitly as optimization variables since they
are prescribed by the Dirichlet condition (4).
Equality constraints
are obtained by applying the five-point-star to the
elliptic equation
in (2) in all points
(3) |
In these equations may appear the undefined variables
These variables have to be substituted by the
Dirichlet conditions (4),
(4) |
The derivative
in the direction of
the outward normal is approximated by the expression
(5) |
Then the discrete form of the Neumann boundary condition (3)
leads to the equality constraints
(6) |
The control and state inequality constraints (5) and
(6) yield the inequality constraints
(7) |
(8) |
Observe that the inequality constraints do not depend on the meshsize
. Later on, this fact will require a scaling of the Lagrange
Finally, the discretized form of the cost function (1) is
(9) |
Then the relations (2)-(8)
define an NLP-problem of the form (1).
Associate Lagrange multipliers
with the equality constraints
(3) and (6)
resp. the inequality constraints (7) and (8).
Then the Lagrangian function for the above NLP-problem becomes:
The multipliers
satisfy complementarity
conditions corresponding to (14):
Now we discuss the necessary conditions of optimality
for state and control variables assuming
different combinations of indices
For state variables with indices
we obtain the relations
These equations contain multipliers
that do not appear in the Lagrangian (10). To make
equations and definitions consistent, we put
(12) |
This substitution corresponds to the Dirichlet condition (11).
Relations (11) then reveal that the Lagrange multipliers
satisfy the five-point-star difference equations for the adjoint equation
in (9)
if we use the following approximation for the Borel measure
(13) |
denotes a square centered at
with area
Recall the decomposition (15) of the measure
If the singular part of the measure vanishes,
then (13) yields the following appro-
ximation for the density
(14) |
In case that the measure
is a delta distribution,
we obtain from (13) the relation
(15) |
On the boundary part
we get for indices
assuming, e.g.,
Recalling (5) this represents the discrete version of the Neumann boundary condition (10).
Finally, necessary conditions with respect to the control variables
for indices
are determined by the
following two relations.
with, e.g.,
we get
This equation yields the discrete version of the optimality condition
(12) for the control, if we use the identification
(16) |
For indices
with, e.g.,
we find
the approximation (5) of the normal derivative,
the minimum condition (13) holds with the substitutions
(17) |
Next: Discretization of the distributed
Up: Discretization and optimization techniques
Previous: Discretization and optimization techniques
Hans D. Mittelmann