Next: Optimization codes and modeling
Up: Discretization and optimization techniques
Previous: Neumann boundary conditions
The Dirichlet boundary conditions in (3.2) are
incorporated by the relations
(4.15) |
Hence it suffices to work with a reduced number
of optimization variables in (4.1), namely we can take
The equality constraints
agree with those from (4.3),
(4.16) |
for all indices
the values
on the boundary are substituted from
the relations (4.15).
The control and state inequality constraints (3.3) resp.
(3.4) give rise to the inequality constraints:
(4.17) |
(4.18) |
Finally, the cost function is derived from (3.1) as
(4.19) |
By means of (4.16)-(4.19) we have obtained
an NLP-problem of the form (4.1).
Let us evaluate the first order optimality conditions of Kuhn-Tucker type
for problem (4.16)-(4.19).
The Lagrangian function becomes
where the Lagrange multipliers
are associated with the equality constraints (4.16),
the inequality constraints (4.17),
and the inequality constraints (4.18).
The multipliers
satisfy the complementarity
conditions corresponding to (3.9):
In the next step we discuss the necessary conditions of optimality
for different combinations of indices
For indices
we obtain the relations
Hence, for this set of indices we see that the Lagrange multipliers
satisfy the five-point-star difference equations for the adjoint equation
if we use the same identification for the Borel measure
as in (4.10),
(4.21) |
from which we also get the special cases (4.11) and (4.12).
The situation is different for indices with either
E.g., for indices
we get
Note that this equation does not involve the variable
on the boundary.
we arrive again at the discretized form of
the adjoint equation (3.6) using approximations as in
Similar relations hold for index combinations
For the remaining indices we find, e.g. for
These relations do not involve the boundary variables
. Again, defining
we recover the adjoint equations. In summary, by requiring the Dirichlet
boundary condition for the adjoint variables,
we see that the adjoint equation holds for all indices
The necessary conditions with respect to the control variables
are determined for the indices
the approximation of the normal derivative in (4.4),
the minimum condition (3.8) holds with the identifications
(4.22) |
Similar identifications hold for the other indices
Next: Optimization codes and modeling
Up: Discretization and optimization techniques
Previous: Neumann boundary conditions
Hans D. Mittelmann