Example 5.5: The first problem has a linear partial differential equation and nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions with data:
Cost functional :
, CPU seconds : 494
The optimal control and state are shown in Figures 8 and 9.
Note that the sign condition (2.5) holds since
The optimal control is continuous and has
two boundary arcs with
and one boundary arc with
. The junction points with the boundary are the
on the bottom edge of
The control law (2.16) was derived under the assumption
which obviously holds in this example.
By looking at the adjoint variable in Figure 8, the reader may verify
that the control law (2.16) is satisfied:
Example 5.6: The data for the second Neumann problem are:
According to the optimal control law (2.17) we can expect either a bang-bang or a singular control. We get the following results:
Cost functional :
, CPU seconds : 864
The optimal control in Figure 10 is indeed bang-bang.
The switching function on
as shown in Figure 10
obeys the optimal control law (2.17):
Example 5.7: In this example we choose a nonlinear partial differential equation and linear Neumann boundary conditions:
These equations represent a simplified Ginzburg-Landau model
for super-conductivity in the absence of internal magnetic fields
with the wave function;
cf. Ito, Kunisch [16] and Kunisch, Volkwein [18]
where tracking functions and control or state constraints
have been considered that are different from those used here.
LOQO and AMPL provide the results:
Cost functional :
, CPU seconds : 317
The optimal control and state are shown in Figures 12 and 13.
The optimal control is continuous and has
two boundary arcs with
and one boundary arc with
. The junction points with the boundary are the
on the bottom edge of
The adjoint variable in Figure 12 shows that
the control law (2.16) is satisfied:
Example 5.8:
The data are those from Example 5.7 but now we choose
expecting to obtain a bang-bang control.
The numerical results are:
Cost functional :
, CPU seconds : 570
The optimal control shown in Figure 14 is indeed bang-bang.
The switching function on
as shown in Figure 14
yields the optimal control law (2.17):