In the present work we will address the problem of interpolating a
given continuous function f between N+1 distinct points
an interval [a,b]. We may choose
[a,b] := [-1,1] without loss of generality.
The classical solution is the interpolating polynomial p of degree ,
determination is always a well-posed problem, but the use of which is
merely reasonable for
special choices of the xk's, i.e., for points whose preimages
on the circle by the
are almost equidistant. As it is well known
[16, p. 99], [12],
for equidistant points on the interval the polynomials p diverge or are
ill-conditioned as N increases.
But even with good points like Cebysev's, polynomial interpolation may not be
adequate. Markov's
inequality states that
for every polynomial
qn of degree
On the other hand, if qn is a good approximation to f,
e small, and thus
therefore, no function
f with a derivative much larger than
at some point can be
well approximated by a polynomial of degree n (in the sense that
its derivative is
also approximated well). In other words, for a good approximation of f'as well as
f the degree of the interpolating polynomial should be at least
then a simultaneous ``good'' approximation of f and f' requires working
with interpolating polynomials p of such a large degree
that this may be numerically prohibitive.
The next infinitely differentiable choice for such functions as well as for arbitrary nodes seems to be rational interpolation [10,6]. The classical rational interpolant can be computed in a finite number of operations, but it has several drawbacks:
As a way of approximating functions with large gradients we suggest here
to replace
the interpolating polynomial of degree
with the quotient of
a polynomial of
and a polynomial of prescribed degree that diminishes the
maximal error as much as possible.