Next: Facility Location Problem (II)
Up: Application Problems
Previous: Management Problem
This problem is given as follows:
(3-4) |
is the dimension,
is the number of existing
are the coordinates of the existing
facility (if
), and
is the weight associated with the
old-new facility. The model describes that one plans to build a
new facility among existing facilities and chooses the location
which minimizes the weights associated with the Euclidean distance
between the new and existing locations. For simplicity, we
. It is trivial to extend to higher dimensions. Let
We then
introduce new linear constraints
Therefore, the problem becomes
(3-5) |
We denote
Hence, one obtains the SOCP formulation.
Example 2. The coordinates of the existing facilities and
the weight associated with each existing facility are both
generated by a uniform random number generator. We use
to create four problems.
Next: Facility Location Problem (II)
Up: Application Problems
Previous: Management Problem
Hans D. Mittelmann