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We consider here only the case where
to illustrate
several interesting features of such systems.
The general case can be treated in similar ways.
The observables of this system are usually
but some
periodic wave form
or function of
such as
This suggests that we seek a steady progressing wave solution
in the form
is called the wave number
and c is a vector of wave speeds.
Direct substitution of the steady progressing wave
solution into the equation gives
There is a unique constant solution of this equation for cprovided the components of
the form
for some integer
Let us fix
for some integer N. According to the calculation above,
there is a steady progressing wave solution of the system
having the form
where cN is given by the formula
To test the stability of this steady
progressing wave we define
The result is
Expanding the right hand side in powers of
and ignoring higher order terms gives
Expanding x in its Fourier series
and substituting this into the equation gives
Thus, depending on the properties of the
coefficients in A, we get the following
stability results for the
deviation x: If
then the leading components of x are harmonic and the remaining
modes are damped. If
then all modes (except for n=0) are damped.
Next: Computer simulations
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Previous: Introduction
Hans Mittelmann