Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Arizona State University
February 20, 2003, 12:30 p.m. (NOTE LATER TIME!) in GWC 604
Gautam Pendse
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Novel Design of a Diffusive System for Controlled Drug Delivery
Controlled drug delivery has been a field of continued research for a long time. For a drug therapy to be efficient not only does the drug need to be effective but also its delivery should be according to a specified pattern. This pattern of drug delivery will depend on the type of drug. A drug meant for the treatment of diabetes may require a pulsatile delivery whereas a drug meant for the treatment of a headache may require another. If the actual drug release profile matches this desired pattern, treatment becomes highly effective. If the actual delivery pattern is above this desired pattern, there may be undesirable side effects to the drug therapy. Over the past years, several approaches have been examined to achieve effective control over the delivery of various therapeutic agents. Several drug delivery systems like eroding, osmotic, swelling and diffusive systems have been examined. Diffusive drug delivery systems are of special interest commercially because of their low manufacturing cost.
A novel diffusive system capable of approximating a desired drug delivery profile is proposed. This system consists of a polymer matrix containing the desired drug either in dispersed or dissolved form. It is found that by designing the diffusive area in a specific way it is possible to achieve a given release profile. Optimal control theory and the calculus of variations is used with the area profile as a control variable. Simulations are run for different desired release profiles. For each profile and a selected final time, a specific shape is obtained which can best approximate the desired release profile.
This system may be useful in the design of extended-release anti-smoking patches, as they quickly attain a constant release rate when compared with the standard design. In addition, this new scheme can be used to smooth initial drug burst effects.
This is joint work with J. M. Keith, Michigan Technological University
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